The Bird With Mustache | Gish Blog

A beautiful parrot, the mustached parakeet is named for its distinctive feathers above the beak that looks like a well-groomed mustache. 

This bird makes a great pet and has a sweet, outgoing personality that bird lovers enjoy. If you're looking for a small parrot that might talk and perch on your shoulder, the mustached parakeet is a species to consider.

COMMON NAMES: Mustached parakeet, mustache parakeet, Java parakeet, red-breasted parakeet

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Psittacula alexandri

ADULT SIZE: 13 to 15 inches

LIFE EXPECTANCY: 25 years with proper care

The mustached parakeet has extensive range in southeast Asia. It is native to China and the islands of Indonesia, where several subspecies live. Feral populations are spreading to many other areas, including neighboring cities. Their shrinking natural habitat causes flocks to become urban dwellers.

Mustached parakeets can make adorable pets when hand-fed as babies and properly socialized. They are active, social creatures who love to spend time playing games and spend time with their owners.

Some owners of mustached parakeets report that their birds tend to act bossy or needy. They will demand an owner's attention if they feel ignored. However, they do tend to be more relaxed than the boisterous Indian ring neck parakeet.

Mustached parakeets do not tend to enjoy a lot of cuddling, though will welcome some petting near the neck. If handled often and gently, it may warm to more cuddling.

While mustached parakeets are highly intelligent and very trainable, some owners report aggression issues. This behavior usually results from inadequate socialization. Mustached parakeets tend to choose a favorite person and bond strongly with them while acting out toward other people and pets.

Like other Asiatic species, they also go through a period of aggressive bluffing behavior—biting and territorial—during their adolescence. Because of this and their need for extra attention, they may not be the best "beginner" bird species, though some birders differ in opinion.

Known to be excellent talkers (especially the males), these birds will reward their owners with many years of comical companionship if adequately cared for. 

While all parrots will make a certain amount of noise, mustached parakeets are one of the quieter species in terms of screaming and squawking.

Mustached parakeets display a rainbow of colors in their beautiful plumage. Their backs and wings vary with brilliant green and yellow hues, and they have beautiful greenish-blue tail feathers. They have powder-blue heads with characteristic "moustache" black stripes above and below their beaks. Their rose-colored breast fades into a bluish-turquoise shade on the legs and bellies. 

A dimorphic species, it's relatively easy to tell males and females apart. While the males have a brighter pink breast, the easiest way to distinguish the sexes is by looking at the beak. The males will have a bright orange upper mandible with a yellow tip. Females have a beak that is shades of dark gray or even black. Both have gray skin on their feet.

Some color mutations appear from time to time; birds might have more blue or turquoise in their plumage.

As pet birds, mustached parakeets are not as common as some other species, though they are becoming more popular. They are often only available through specialty breeders.

If you are interested in a pet for the whole family, a mustached parakeet may not be the best choice—it's more a one-person pet. However, if you are a single person or otherwise intend to be the bird's sole caretaker, then this bird could very well be the most loyal companion you will ever have.

This bird is a hardy species, but it can be susceptible to a few conditions:

In the wild, this bird eats fruits, seeds, and blossoms. As with all parrots, it is essential to feed pet mustached parakeets a varied diet that includes a high-quality commercial pellet formula and seed mixture, as well as a range of fresh foods.

  1) Feed approximately 1/4 cup of pelleted food and 1//4 cup of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. A raw and varied diet will help ensure that your bird maintains top nutrition. Mustached parakeets are known to be good eaters. They tend to be less finicky than other birds about the types of fruits and vegetables they are willing to try. Seeds should be fed in moderation to avoid obesity, but are an important source of protein for your bird.

  2) Fruits and vegetables that you can feed include melon, apple, kale, strawberries, carrots, collard greens, and banana. Don't feed avocado, as it can be toxic to these birds.

  3) Mustached parakeets are very active birds, both in the wild and in captivity. Give this bird plenty of room to climb, swing, and play both in and out of their cages.

  4) Mustached parakeets should receive a minimum of four hours of supervised playtime outside of their cages per day in a safe, "bird-proofed" area. Because of these requirements, they may not make the best pets for someone who has very little time to interact with their pets.

   5) Toys are essential to keeping this parakeet happy and out of trouble. Be sure to give your bird a large cage with plenty of ladders, swings, and chew toys. Any toys made out of wood, leather, or beads will be much appreciated and provide needed stimulation.

They are:

  • Intelligent, a great mimic and talker

  • Beautiful, eye-catching species

  • Quieter parrot; may be able house with neighbors nearby

  • Not much of a family pet; more a single person pet

  • May have biting, aggressive period during its adolescence; not recommended for families with young children

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